When having a credit card, one must have self control to obtain a good credit and be careful not to fall into debt. One tip to help improve your credit is to keep your balance at 10% of the credit limit. By doing so, it shows that the credit is in use and the ratio of your available credit to debt is high. By having available credit that is not being used on the card, your credit score goes up. This tip is more effective when using a unsecured credit card. If one is not approved for a unsecured credit card, you can do what is called a piggyback credit. To do this, you must ask someone, preferably a friend or family member, who has good credit and is willing to add you as an authorized user to their credit card account. Choose carefully, if you become an authorized user for someone, however they manage their credit, it also affect you. This method will not take effect right away, but it is a step to helping build credit.
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